Vermont Harvest Folk Art by Doreen Frost
~Fine Needlework, Written Publications & Finished Goodes.~

Tucked in a valley, at the foot of Round Mountain, among the graceful Maples & Oaks you will find our Little Brown House. Smoke billows from the chimney seven or eight months out of the year, a river rambles nearby, sheep & cows graze in the meadows and turkey's forage along the olde stone walls.

"I myself am entirely made of flaws, stitched together with good intentions" ~ Augusten Burroughs.

"People aren't longing to be impressed; they're longing to feel like they're home. If you create a space full of love and character and creativity and soul, they'll take off their shoes and curl up with gratitude and rest, no matter how small, no matter how undone, no matter how odd." Shauna Niequist.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

ON.....S L O W posting, LIFE, and a short video on stitching stems.

Here we are..... four months later and I am just getting around to posting again.  I really don't know what to say ~ One would think that I wasn't a routine person, which I very much am.  The trouble is, I have found it oddly difficult to incorporate blog writing into that routine.  SO, I shall pop in when I can, regardless of whether it is morning, afternoon or evening, and hopefully there will be someone out there wishing to read what I have to say and, if there isn't.....  at least I am writing and sharing :)

Today in Vermont we have heavy rain and storms forecasted.  This morning, I woke, made myself a cup of coffee and, regardless of the downpour, Oliver and I made our way to the front porch.  The rain was so heavy that Oliver refused to step off the porch and, who can blame him.  We stayed, me rocking and listening to the wind and rain as it washed away our driveway, once again, and Oliver sniffing around the porch trying to discover the origin of the animal that stole two large pieces of homemade bread, I had left out yesterday afternoon for the birds to enjoy.   We didn't stay long, the fire needed tending, the house needed tidying and Oliver was clamoring for his breakfast.   A few hours later, I made my way back out to the porch with my stitching.  The rain calmed down a bit, as the birds finally began to sing and move out of the shelter of our newly open leaves.   Oh, how I love to listen to the Robins ~ their song is one of my favorites!

I must be off now ~ much to do on this rainy day, but before I go, I wanted to share a very quick little video of the way I stitch floral stems.  As most of you know, I typically like to represent stems with Weeks Dye Works Kohl floss and an embroidery stem stitch, but I am finding that it doesn't always fit a particular piece, so I am forcing myself to do as our beloved Maggie B does, with wool and the ladder stitch.   I had a heck of a time getting the rhythm of this stitch when I first attempted it years ago.  Thankfully, a couple years ago, I was able to attend a workshop, in Salem, MA, with Maggie and  was able to see her do it in person which finally made it click for me.  I am definitely a visual learner which is most likely the reason my patterns are SO VERY WORDY and full of photos and sketches lol...I write them for the other visual learners out there...hoping I can write and show them enough, so it makes sense :).  Anyway, I hope the short little video helps you, should you need a bit of a visual :).

Until next time friends.  Be Well, Be Joyful, Be Kind. hugs to all, Doreen